Friday 6 August 2010

Double Whammy of blogging

Hello Folks !  2 days for the price of one today, sort of buy one get one free, only because the treatments have started blurring into one another so there hasn't been much to report unless you'd like a run down of time delays, for those who raised their hand they've not been too bad, though how you can have 30 Min's delay already at 9:25am takes some effort.

 So week 2 is now over which has passed really quickly. As it is the weekend I have 2 days off radiotherapy again and no trips to Reading.

Caught up with Pam (my sister) over lunch today and bored her with all our holiday photos:-) She was thinking of buying me a panama hat in case my hair fell out, but I had already beaten her to it as I had got one when I was in Dubrovnik  - here's me in said hat - very stylish!

Back on track with the recommended cups of green tea and drinking lots of water as advised - that means there are more trips to the loo  - but with all the anti-oxidants and water flushing away the toxins I can't have any toxins left! So treated myself to a  bottle of beer with my dinner this evening.

Thanks again for all your messages and comments ( especially those who have worked out how to post them ! )   they are very much appreciated.

Enjoy your weekends !

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brian

    Love the Blog now I have managed to be a follower!
