Wednesday 7 March 2012

Follow up with Consultant

Early start this morning as I had a 9.30 a.m. appointment with the consultant who had performed my liver resection on 6 February. I had a disturbed night's sleep as although I believed  that everything was ok I just couldn't switch my mind off and kept thinking how I would react if the news was not good. I was completely organised this morning with little effort which was an achievement in itself considering how out of practice I am in getting ready to leave the house so early in the morning.

Neil drove me to Basingstoke and as there was very little traffic we arrived just after 9.00 a.m.So we were in plenty of time for the appointment. We had just sat down when my name was called - we saw the consultant 15 minutes before the appointment time - how efficient is that!

Great news..... she was really pleased with my progress, They had successfully removed all of the tumour which was 4cm in size and she also removed 10mm of healthy tissue around the tumour. Given where the tumour was on my liver this is really great news.

 The consultant was genuinely delighted and that enthusiasm wore off on me. My worries of the previous evening just went away.

So I am discharged from the liver clinic and now need to see my consultant who dealt with my bowel cancer and who had referred me to the liver consultant. I will discuss with him, when I see him on Friday, about regular checkups and referral to the oncologist to discuss if I need chemotherapy - which my liver consultant thinks would be wise to have. I am good to travel so looks like my holiday might be back on - hurrah! And if I want I can have a glass of quality wine!

Phew - what a relief that they got it all and that I recovered so well from my surgery.

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