Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Still doing well........

Still feeling ok and the tingling feeling is subsiding and no longer need gloves to go in the fridge! The sunny weather has been such a boost - and when you are out  in the sun it is quite warm - is this what it feels like to be a a lizard basking in the warmth? I sat in the garden today for 20 minutes and it felt so good to be outside and not cold! Surely this is the end of winter now?  I managed a bit of light gardening - there has been some plant casualties this winter. I am wondering if the olive trees I have in pots will grow new leaves. I took precautions to protect them from frost with fleece covers but when I took them off autumn arrived as all the leaves fell off - guess I need to research what I can do if anything apart from hope for a recovery.

I went to see my great nephew Luke who is 5 play football. We kept it a surprise so when he showed up with his mum his face was a picture when he saw he had his own supporters club - me Neil and Lynne to cheer him on. It was only an hour and it was so funny to see the little ones tearing after the ball. At this young age you can see the ones who have the coordination skills that makes them a better footballer but they were all so enthusiastic. When they scored a goal they all had the celebrations that a premier league footballer would have been proud of - they must be watching Match of the Day before they leave home,  and Luke managed to score his first goal so we all had a good time.  I was glad for a warming cuppa and a slice of cake afterwards when we all descended on my sister.

Luke is the one in the orange tabbard

Tuesday bought a new experience - dog walking at the RSPCA in Chobham with Ruth one of my neighbours. We took a lovely dog for a walk - it was different walking a dog rather that being by yourself.

Dog Walking

1 comment:

  1. Papa good luck today... Let's see Lukes face when Colin joins the other fans on his 5 aside football match.
    Sending you, papa 2 and Colin hugs xx
