Well you would see from the earlier posting that I took a lovely dog for a walk at the RSPCA at Chobham. I fell in love with him and ended up putting a temporary reserve on him until Neil saw him the following day when we fully reserved him awaiting some home checks before we adopted him.
He just makes me laugh |
Look how little he is - the dog that is! | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
He is a nine month old terrier cross - with what, we do not know as he was a stray so no-one knew his back ground. He has been in kennels at the RSPCA for about 6 weeks just in case his previous owners came to look for him and take him home. But no-one came so he was sent from Hillingdon to Chobham for re-homing. We had been thinking of having a dog but I was keen on a border terrier puppy. I had mentioned to one of our neighbours that we were looking and Sally said that she would ask her neighbour Ruth who works at the RSPCA to look out for one. Within a week we had been to see Colin - not quite a border terrier but prettier!
Ruth passed us on the home checks on Saturday and we arranged to collect him on Sunday. We have been so excited!
Colin - the new addition to the Greenley Foskett household. |
Look at the tongue! |
I have to say that while we were excited we were nervous as to how he would be in the car on the way home and how he would settle in. We needn't have worried he was so good in the car sat quietly next to me in the back looking out of the window. He went straight into the kitchen when we got home and looked out of the french doors into the garden as much as to say "looks ok". He then sniffed his way around the downstairs. Our worries about him going upstairs have yet to materialise he makes no attempt to climb them - why is a mystery not that we are complaining but did he live in a flat or a bungalow before with no stairs or was he trained not to go up the stairs!?
I think we have been very lucky to have found him as he has settled in very well and is a great distraction as well as being a huge time waster..but not a waste of time :-). I now have company on my walks and someone to talk to during the day. He is already popular with the amount of people who have and are planning to drop in and see him.
Have a cuddle with his friend Lionel on his new blankey. | | | | | |
He has been such a distraction that I almost forgot I am having my next treatment tomorrow! That has come around quickly. Watch out Colin we have DVDs to watch in the next few days - wonder if he will like the West Wing?
Try modern family papa x