Friday, 20 August 2010

Who do you think you are?

Some of you may have been wondering just who 'Daughter' is,  so  to put the record straight she is not my 'real' daughter,  it's more like I am her 'adopted'  Papa,  well in her mind anyhow :-)  and hence she sees all my friends and relations  as her extended family. Lisa is her real name and I worked with her when I was at BP  and one day when I was talking of planning a holiday to Cambodia/ Vietnam she said I did not have to go all that way to adopt a daughter ( not that I was planning to  but people do adopt babies from there) and I could adopt her! Did I have a choice  - No! She adopted me - so now I have a 30 something Chinese Hong Konganese daughter called Lisa. So at least I missed out on all the sleepness nights, nappy changing, school years, teenage tantrums and more importantly a very large food bill.

Lisa aka Daughter
Yes her favourite hobby is eating. When I say eating I mean it,  I have never seen anyone eat so much - how she stays so petite I do not know. If there was any justice she should be a size 20+ When I worked with her she would have a small breakfast of cereal before leaving for work and upon arriving at work she would then eat an egg & sausage sandwich. This was followed by crisps and sweeties , a hot lunch from the canteen & then cakes and biscuits in the afternoon. Then there was the whole evening of feasting that I was not party to!

Daughter is so sweet and she wanted to take her "Papa"to the hospital so yesterday was the day. She is now a lucky mascot as for all my appointments so far yesterdays was the only one that has been on time! We then adjourned to the Oracle and went to Jamie's Italy for lunch - where we had 2 courses.  Daughter's  real sister Jackie ( so do I now have 2 daughters?) joined us briefly. Jackie works in Reading. She suggested we skip dessert at Jamie's and go to Bills Cafe & Produce Store as the cakes and desserts were delicious and the pavlova was huge! You can guess what daughter ordered! Yes it was huge but she managed it!

I recommend the carrot cake - very yum! If you are in Reading skip the JL cafe as Bills is better value and better cake! The menu looked good if you are looking for somewhere different to eat. They have a deli section as well - so bought some chilli jelly and a pack of rose teas -something new to try!

What a great day being in Daughter's world - listened to and gave advice about her recent break up, how we can organise an event to raise money for cancer charity, looked at career options, buying a flat and of course good food! Feeling rather full we said farewell at Reading Station and I went home full but happy and energised by daughter's enthusiasm!

So not much for dinner tonight.Papa2 ( as Lisa calls Neil - I am Papa 1 of course) loved the carrot cake we bought him from Bill's and I couldn't resist another bite!

Oh yes ......on the health front still feeling ok, was tired after all that eating and as last week the accumulation of the radiotherapy means that I am a little warm inside and had a scratchy feeling. The water sample test was all ok so no need for any antibiotics! So just one more treatment left this week and then only one more week to go.


  1. Little did you realize that life could provide such spice and variety all shared with your
    favourite fans too. Glad to be introduced to gorgeous Daughter and for promoting Bill`s delicious fare. We can tell it calls for a special celebration in the future. Enjoy the weekend and be careful as you climb on to the bathroom scales!

  2. Papa 1, I had a lovely day with you, although i can't believe that we were finished at the hospital within 30 mins, Baroness told me to take a book, I didn't even need to open it!

    I am glad we put the world to right! You have straightened out my life, and you met your other daughter.. I had a lovely dinner in the evening with Olivier, who read this blog and couldn't stop laughing at your comments saying that you know me so well!

    I am glad Papa 2 liked his carrot cake..

    BTW, you owe me many years of pocket money!
