Monday, 23 August 2010

A small dose of reality

Friday marked the end of week 4.

The session on Friday afternoon was 30 minutes late even though it was all very quiet - they must have had a busy morning. So Lisa must be my lucky mascot Thursday's could be the only appointment that was on time!

The reality and seriousness of this disease hit me quite badly on Friday. A gentleman came in a wheelchair and sat next to me. He was in quite a bad way and in pain. He was awaiting some radiotherapy treatment before being admitted into the hospital. It hit home to me what this is all about and while I am keeping positive and being jovial about it,  witnessing this was a reality check of what cancer is capable of. I drove away from the hospital in quite a downbeat mood. Talking to Neil about it  that evening when he got home from work helped me  to work through this all  in my mind - but not without some tears :-)

Saturday brought a new day- and a easy afternoon of gardening,  and as it usually does  it lifted my spirits and mood. The garden was in a need of a tidy and weed and looked much tidier as a result. But it did take it out of me! No party Saturday night for me - bed at 9.00pm - for a  read of my book and a good sleep.

Loving the new blender I bought last week at JL - we have smoothies a go go!

Sunday - you remember the giant courgette or was it a marrow from the garden. Eventually got to use it. I made a delicious courgette soup for lunch which we shared with Lynne. I think the treatment is now fully working as not only is there the tiredness but since Friday I have had a permanent burning sensation in my lower tummy which is a bit like having a sore tummy when you have eaten the hottest curry or chilli! Frequency of visits to the loo is also increasing. I think that I will leave it at that as I will be accused of providing too much information!

So today is the start of week 5 and by Friday no more trips to the hospital for a few weeks ( I hope)!  Though I may ask them to turn  the dial down by a few degree's given the details above :-)

1 comment:

  1. Step by step Papa I, one week to go, I am ready for nurse duties, I can just about make toast, although I think there is something wrong with my toaster, it keeps burning the bread that I put in it! Glad you have that blender, i'll be over to make you and Papa II breakfast, lunch and dinner! Liquid OK for you both?
    Keep pushing the water and green tea
