Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Wednesday - this week is rushing by.

Well the session today was quick - no delays and measurements all good so in and out in 15 mins. Still feeling ok just a little warm in the area where the radio is aimed which soon passed and was not too uncomfortable. Had a little more energy today as well - so managed to go to John Lewis - well you have to give yourself some treats after the medical stuff is out of the way - and a coffee (what a treat from tea) in their cafe but no cakes or pastries as full of sugar which is now evil apparently!
Even treated myself to a haircut - thought that I would choose to a have a haircut in case the choice is made for me if over the next 5 weeks it starts to fall out:-) I now have that attractive white line around my hairline - knew I should have asked for more off last time as it grows like mad when you are on holiday.

There was a funny incident on the train coming home - the battle of man versus wasp. All quiet in the carriage until macho man got on at Wokingham and decided the wasp who was not bothering anyone had to die - well he whacked the wasp but the wasp did not die  - after much commotion and flapping from said macho man - the wasp's aerial attack divebombed the man and stung him - well all hell broke out and still the wasp escaped. Just as well there was only 3 of us in the carriage as it could have been carnage!

Can anyone identify this beastie that flew in through the study window and frightened Neil?

 Some of you have said that you have had trouble adding comments - under each posting in small text is "comments" if you click on that you will be taken to a screen where you can add your comments - I am assured that it works by technical support.

The rest of the day as it was sunny was spent reading in and pottering around the garden - so no siesta today needed - must be more energised today.  Had the first harvest from my small veggie section  - thought you might like to see what we have - runner beans, courgettes, rocket & lettuce.

There may be cherry tomatoes tomorrow.......... it's like the good life here just need a pig and some chickens - not sure we would be too popular if we did!

Off to get some food ready .............. more tomorrow:-)


  1. Liar ! I was NOT scared by the 4 Winged 6 Legged Mad Beast !!


  2. I'm thinking Margot Leadbetter...

  3. Brian,

    Well done. Just keep up the positive attitude. Humour is the best medecine.

    Being an idiot I don't know what "select profile means" so I will select something. Hope it is OK!

    Richard & Mollie

  4. Brian,
    I hope that 5 weeks fly by as fast as the past few days did. You will do just fine. You have a lot of love and support from across the pond.

  5. Looks like a Dragonfly to me! But I can understand why 'Technical Support' was a bit scared as he is a bit of a Town dweller and probably hasn't seen one before...... love from deepest North Yorkshire :o)

  6. Brian,
    I can spare a few of my hens if you like. All are red headed like me! Glad all if going well. There is a saying about how to eat an elephant: one bite at a time. Keep up the good work.

    Jason McCurry

  7. Jason, do the Hens Chuckle like you as well? :-) sure to keep his spirits up if they did.
