Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Reading by Train

Off for my appointment under my own steam this morning. As I had an appointment at 9.30 am decided to try the train as the traffic early morning into Reading is notoriously bad. Walked from the station - partly along the Avon & Kennet Canal which I did not realise ran through Reading - even saw a canal boat and some cygnets - what a pleasant surprise. Arrived in plenty of time and managed not to get lost as Neil had printed me off a map and directions. There was a long wait this morning as there was an emergency case that took some time and was unscheduled. So I sat in the waiting room for over an hour waiting my turn on the machine - luckily I had my book - Goodbye to Berlin by Christopher Isherwood which I finished on the train home. Once I was called it only took 15mins today - there was some other measurements made - lets hope they are aiming these rays in the right spot!

Still feeling well - except for waking at 5.00 am this morning - needed a rest after my lunch today.

Today's green tea of choice Sencha Green Tea with lemon - which is very refreshing and would be nice even on a hot day. What happened to summer? It seems to have disappeared while we were away. Off to make a cuppa!

1 comment:

  1. Papa 1, I think we need to get you some new books, sounds like you are getting through them ... glad your sticking with the green tea!
    Thinking of you..
    Daughter xx
