Friday, 27 April 2012

April is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month

I found this short but very informative video on the Macmillan website. I encourage you to watch it. The consultant also says that if the spread from the bowel is to the liver only then it can be curative - which is encouraging and backs up what my surgeons in Basingstoke said. 

I found a very interesting paragraph yesterday when I was reading a book that my Reiki practitioner lent me...

"You are a unique individual and statistics never apply to individuals. Nobody knows your particular survival time with your particular kind of cancer - especially once you become active in your own defence. All of the conventional statistics are historical and are most likely to be based on results of people who remained entirely passive using medical treatment alone to combat their cancer"

It summaries my thoughts so well after meeting the oncologist than I have done.

There's me in the middle smiling and happy!

OK so time to have fun for the rest of the day. I am off to a preview of a Charity Plant Sale where I get to reserve plants before the actual sale in a weeks time. Lots of beautiful plants grown newly from seed - you can't but appreciate the wonder of nature in microcosm than that!

Newly germinated and raring to grow!
I just wish the sun would shine - but we still need the rain to make everything green and lush.

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