Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red

This morning, I went to the major art installation Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red at the Tower of London, marking one hundred years since the first full day of Britain's involvement in the First World War. It's title Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red is named after a poem written by an unknown soldier,

Created by ceramic artist Paul Cummins, with setting by stage designer Tom Piper, 888,246 ceramic poppies have progressively filled the Tower's famous moat over the summer and autumn. Each poppy represents a British military fatality during the First World War.
The poppies have encircled the iconic landmark, creating not only a spectacular display visible from all around the Tower but also a location for personal reflection. The scale of the installation reflects the magnitude of such an important centenary creating a powerful visual commemoration.
All of the poppies that make up the installation have been sold and, in doing so, have raised millions of pounds which will be shared equally amongst six service charities.

A memorable morning and  a sight that I will remember for a long time. A fitting memorial and so popular - it was packed with people and on a damp Wednesday morning - truly  inspiring.

Monday, 27 October 2014

Struggling with this lately .....

                                         so decided to post myself some reminders

                        and remember to

Friday, 17 October 2014

Daily Inspiration

 Liking this quote by Daily Inspiration.....

Enjoy the good moments. Stay positive in the bad. Know that everything will be alright.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Another 6 months has gone by ---- well more like nearly 8!

Friday brought the news that my latest 6 monthly scan was all clear and my blood tests were normal. Phew what a relief. After my summer away and all the deviations from my routine and regime I was a little worried about these results.I am feeling very priviledged to be given these clear results.

I have an immense sense of gratitude for my life and this positive news. I keep working hard at trying to keep well and it appears the benefits continue to pay off. I am so grateful for all the influences in my life, that have enabled me to think creatively about how to turn my life around. I enjoy this new life that I have created fro myself. I now have a big interest in well being , not in an obsessive way but in a practical way that seems to work for me. My life has changed over time and I think this quote sums it up nicely. You can bring change into your life in so many different ways. But the biggest thing about change is that is so often connected with fear and I think it comes back to that old saying "The grass isn't always greener on the other side". I personally find it very sad for those who never take a chance, a risk if you like. Life is too short, so for all those contemplating change in your life I say go for it, embrace it!