Tuesday, 5 March 2013

A walk in the sunshine with Colin

 A beautiful sunny afternoon - thirteen degrees and positively spring like. So after a few hours in the charity shop this morning and a couple of hours gardening a well deserved walk in the sunshine for Colin and me.

Sunny forest 1
Sunny forest 2

Yes that is blue sky - welcome back!

The blue was so deep!

Come on stop taking photos - I'm getting bored

My favourite tree

Sun was so strong I was squinting!

Ok I'll have that treat when you are finished with that camera.

Beautiful sunset

Monday, 4 March 2013

Chris Woollams - such brilliant information

I received Chris Woollams newsletter this morning in my in box. He is such an inspirational man and there is always some really new developments that he is eager to report on. He was one of the first websites that I found exceedingly helpful after I picked up a copy of the Cancer Active magazine "Icon". 
I always find something new on his website that I find interesting or re-reading something that I had forgotten about makes dipping into this website a help.
I would recommend that if you are or know of someone on this cancer journey to take a look at this website.
He advocates that The ACTIVE8 PROGRAMME which  is CANCERactive´s disciplined approach to help you develop your own Holistic, or Integrative, cancer treatment programme  around your Doctors orthodox therapies. 
His belief is that:

  "cancer is a multi-step process (from inflammation, to rogue cell formation, to forming a blood supply, to the tumour growth, to firing off cells around the body and much, much more). We also believe it is totally naive to expect one treatment (be it drug or vitamin or whatever) to be able to ´knock out´ all these different steps and stages.

We believe that patients need to acknowledge this and so prepare a multi-step programme designed to counter the various cancer stages. We are not alone in this view; several cancer centres in America follow the same beliefs.

A number of individual therapies have been shown to increase cancer survival odds. Now imagine how your odds improve if you attempt to address all the stages of cancer you may have, AND use a number of the complementary therapies each shown to increase your personal odds of beating cancer!"

 But I think that this paragraph was one that resonated with me the most and I only came acroos it again after my last surgery - it refers directly to colon cancer.

Finally, it is important to understand too that cancer is a disease a weakening of the whole body it merely manifests itself in a certain area. For example, in cancer patients a blood sample usually shows signs of lowered oxygen (cancer cells thrive when oxygen levels fall. In fact, oxygen can kill cancer cells) and lowered levels of white cells (immune cells). Having an operation to cut out a cancerous lump does not remove the process of cancer and US research with colon cancer has recently proven this previously controversial theory to be true. Rogue cells are now known to be fired off early around the body, lying dormant. If you do not change your lifestyle and cut out the drivers, there is no reason to believe that these dormant clones will not be activated one day by the forces that activated your first cancer."

I like to think that this is something that happened to me as the metastases were found in the liver and the lung. It took me a little while to get the sugar message and the whole diet and lifestyle thing revamped - it doesn't happen overnight and can be really difficult. This is not a "fad diet" as some people have thought it is a life changing regime and is forever. 

Just shows how difficult this whole diet can be I went to an engagement party this weekend and I really struggled with not being able to have a dessert as they all looked beautiful. Temptation was put right in my way! I tried and I tried but with everyone around me tucking in it was hard. In the end I did give in - I convinced myself that it was a 10% treat and after all this was a celebration. I did opt for what I convinced myself was the healthiest option a puff pastry base with cream and fresh berries on the top.

French Fruit Tart

  I have to admit it was delicious and I tried not to feel too guilty eating it. That was my treat for a while in the dessert department and it did satisfy my craving but THAT  HAS TO BE IT FOR A LONG WHILE!