Friday, 10 August 2012

Update - sorry it's been so long.

I have not been blogging for a while and I apologise about that. I guess that some of you wondered what was going on as there was radio silence here on the blog so contacted us directly to see what was happening. But I have been pre-occuped with health stuff again - as it was time for my 6 monthly CT scan last month. 

Going into the CT scan a month ago I was confident we would get a clear round  - but unfortunately there was a small nodule on my right lung which was described as an "abnormality". So I have had to have a PET scan to see if there were anymore areas of activity. I couldn’t bring myself to write about it as I thought once again the cancer thing was behind me and if anyone asked, I was completely FINE.

Until I got the results of that scan and was able to report something definite I thought it best not to raise any alarms as you have all been through this too much already. Plus the last two weeks time has disappeared in an Olympic blur as I have been glued to the TV - what a marvellous distraction! Great daytime TV for a change!

Having got the results yesterday  I now have more definite news to report.  I saw the lung consultant at Basingstoke. In the scheme of things it was OK/decent news, as the PET scan did not reveal any other tumours - phew! So we are still just dealing with the one on the lung which is only 7mm big.

 The consultant  seemed confident  that he can operate to remove it. I should only lose 5% of the lung and good chance it can be done with keyhole surgery - I hope so!  The operation will be at the John Radcliffe in Oxford in about 4 weeks. This is because Basingstoke does not have a specialist team based in Basingstoke and they refer patients to John Radcliffe. I will have a definite date within a week.

 I liked the consultant Dr Black and he seemed calm and relaxed about the whole thing. He said that I was a suitable candidate for surgery as I was relatively young compared to the age of his usual patients who are in their 70s. He did explain that an Op on the lung  can be very painful due to all the nerves involved. There is a high risk of infection/complications because it's a lung and also the anaesthetics during the  OP are trickier He thought that the op would last less than 2 hours and the time in hospital should be 5 or 6 days. So another op! For someone who hadn't had any ops until I was in my fifties this is getting a bit too frequent!

But it has been caught early and this is all down to my 6 monthly scan programme.

I am feeling very positive about things and Neil is doing well - so emotionally we are in a good place which has a positive effect on everything else! So back on track with having fun for the next 4 weeks as I will be laid up for a few weeks with health stuff again.